- He is not made for climbing the tree of knowledge. 他不是生來適於攀登知識之樹的。
- He was not made for climbing the tree of knowledge. 他不是生來適於攀登知識之樹的。
- Monkeys have a natural inclination for climbing. 猴子性喜攀緣。
- He indulge his passion for climbing. 他沉溺於登山的熱忱中。
- It is exactly used for climbing. 這根竹竿就是用來爬的。
- Why Learn How to Dyno for Climbing? 為什麼要學習如何動態攀岩?
- Reserve your strength for climb. 保留些力氣爬山。
- I bought a pair of heavy duty shoes for climbing mountains. 我買了一雙結實的登山鞋。
- He was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing. 他穿了一雙完全不適合登山的鞋子。
- Do you have the stomach for climbing a steep mountain barehanded? 你有膽空手嘗試攀登一座峭直的山壁嗎?
- I bought a pair of sneakers especially for climbing the hill. 為了爬山,我特意買了一雙旅遊鞋。
- He spent the holidays indulging his passion for climbing and fishing. 他在度假期間盡情享受登山興垂釣的樂趣。
- A: Do you have the stomach for climbing a steep mountain barehanded? 你有膽空手嘗試攀登一座峭直的山壁嗎?
- The college students were preparing for climbing the Mount Qomolangma. 這些大學生正在為攀登珠穆朗瑪峰做準備。
- Another crucial foot position useful for climbing footwork is the backstep. 另一個非常重要的,運用到腳法中的腳部姿勢就是側踩。
- Take the stairs for climbs of three flights or less. 3層高的地方就走樓梯而不乘電梯。
- A long this line are the most effective places for climbing the social ladder and succeeding professionally. 這一行程將為你社會地位的提高和專業上的成功帶來很有利的影響。
- We made careful preparations for climbing the mountain, so as to be sure of success. 我們為這次登山活動做了精心準備,以確保萬無一失。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗熱雞湯對你有好處。
- Many Chinese officials try hard to start the ball rolling for climbing the ladder of success. 許多中國官員儘力設法開始升官發財。