- The butcher chopped off a rib of frozen pork. 屠夫砍下一塊凍肉的肋條。
- Anne Boleyn had her head chopped off. 安妮 博林被斬首。
- Charles I had his head chopped off. 查里一世遭斬首.
- The dummy's head was chopped off to show the queen's death. 啞巴的頭被砍下來出示以證明王后的死。
- Jim told me to chop off the snake's head and throw it away. 吉姆叫我把蛇頭砍下來扔出去。
- In some countries, the hands of a thief would be chopped off. 在有些國家,竊賊的手是要被砍斷的。
- He was running around like a chook with his head chopped off. 他走路像小雞一樣點著頭。
- She chopped off a big piece of wood for the fire . 她砍了一大塊木頭來燒火。
- Chopped off his sentence midway; are going to chop expenses. 他講到一半時突然截住了話頭; 打算削減開支
- A few months later his wife, Marie Antoinette, also had her head chopped off. 幾個月之後他的妻子瑪麗.;安東奈特也被送上了斷頭台。
- The kings have their heads chopped off. 國王們的頭被砍了。
- day by day, week by week this infernal new machine chopped off heads and more heads and more. 一天又一天,一個星期接一個星期,這架惡魔似的新機器剁下了一顆又一顆頭顱,多得數也數不清。
- And if I say more WB will chop off my leg. 如果我再說下去華納會砍了我的腿的。
- In some countries,the hands of a thief would be chopped off. 在有些國家,竊賊的手是要被砍斷的。
- RM:- and then your grandpa took the family's ancestral sword and THWACK! He chopped off the dragon's head. 然後你爺爺拔出這把家傳的寶劍//一揮!就把那條龍的頭砍了下來。
- Planes,like birds,take off heading into the wind. 飛機和鳥一樣,迎風起飛。
- RM:-and then your grandpa took the family's ancestral sword and THWACK!He chopped off the dragon's head. 然後你爺爺拔出這把家傳的寶劍/唰/的一揮!就把那條龍的頭砍了下來。
- Planes, like birds, take off heading into the wind. 飛機和鳥一樣,迎風起飛。
- This is a story about a woman who was instigated by her husband chopped off her lover's head. 這是關於一個女人鼓動她丈夫砍掉她情人頭的故事。