- Our literature and art ought to cater to popular taste. 我們的文藝必須為大眾所喜聞樂見。
- That writer's novels cater to the lowest tastes. 那位作家的小說迎合低級趣味。
- Those newspapers cater to the lowest tastes. 那些報紙迎合最低級的趣味。
- Literature must not cater to the reader's poor taste. 文學不能媚俗。
- We must work out a plan to cater to the need of our clients. 我們必須想方設法滿足客戶的需求。
- Our literature and art ought to cater to popular taste 我們的文藝必須為大眾所喜聞樂見。
- cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public. 迎合大眾口味使某物在普通大眾中流行和出現。
- Some fruits are disagreeable to the taste. 有幾種果子味道不好。
- The owner of the restaurant added some popular fast foods to cater to the tastes of younger customers. 這個飯店的老闆又增加了很多快餐品種來迎合年輕消費者的口味。
- Besides, we still offer bamboo blinds with large variety of colors and designs which enables us to cater to the taste of diffent customers. 另外,竹制窗帘以其多變的款式及花樣為消費者提供了更多的挑選餘地,滿足了不同消費者的需求。
- This wine is most pleasing to the taste. 這種酒的味道美極了。
- We should cater to popular demand. 我們應滿足大眾的需要。
- I think it's changed to cater to Chinese taste. 我想味道稍加變化是為了適合中國人的口味。
- Our politicians should learn to cater to the man in the street. 我們的政治家必須學會使廣大普通群眾滿意。
- They only publish novels which cater to the mass market. 他們只出版迎合大眾市場的小說。
- She voluntarily caters to the need of her husband. 她不由自主的想要去滿足丈夫的需要。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他們向警方告發他是罪犯。
- Many Linux flavors cater to the embedded realtime market. 許多Linux改良品種迎合了嵌入式實時市場。
- A good film should cater to public taste. 一部好電影應該迎合觀眾的口味。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帳單上包括了百分之十的服務費。