- And the national bourgeoisie has become a tail to the big bourgeoisie. 民族資產階級則做了大資產階級的尾巴。
- From then on the Kuomintang became the counter-revolutionary political party of the big landlords and big bourgeoisie. 從此,國民黨基本上變成代表大地主大資產階級的反動集團。
- The enemy in this war is not imperialism alone but also the alliance of the big bourgeoisie and the big landlords. 戰爭的敵人不但是帝國主義,而且是大資產階級和大地主的聯盟。
- The middle bourgeoisie constitutes the national bourgeoisie as distinct from the comprador class, i.e. from the big bourgeoisie. 中等資產階級就是除了買辦階級即大資產階級以外的民族資產階級。
- Within the big bourgeoisie, the group favouring resistance is now different from the group that has already capitulated. 目前的大資產階級抗日派,是和降日派有區別的。
- Within the big bourgeoisie,the group favouring resistance is now different from the group that has already capitulated. 目前的大資產階級抗日派,是和降日派有區別的。
- The pro-Japanese section of the big bourgeoisie,having completely capitulated to Japan,is ready to play the puppet. 親日派大資產階級早已徹底投降日本,準備充當傀儡。
- Our policy towards the big bourgeoisie capitulationists is to treat them as enemies and resolutely strike them down. 我們對於大資產階級投降派的政策是把他們當作敵人看待,堅決地打倒他們。
- This capitalist class, known as the bureaucrat-capitalist class, is the big bourgeoisie of China. 這個資產階級,叫做官僚資產階級,即是中國的大資產階級。
- This will help isolate imperialism and its running dogs, and the big landlord class and the big bourgeoisie too. 這樣做,有利於孤立帝國主義及其走狗,孤立大地主、大資產階級。
- In the present war the pro-Japanese big bourgeoisie (the capitulationists) have either surrendered or are preparing to surrender. 在抗日戰爭中,親日派大資產階級(投降派)已經投降,或準備投降了。
- The pro-European and pro-American big bourgeoisie may continue to resist Japan, but its proneness to conciliation remains serious. 歐美派大資產階級則尚能繼續抗日,但其妥協傾向依然嚴重存在。
- The die-hard forces at the present time are the big landlord class and the big bourgeoisie. 頑固勢力,目前就是大地主大資產階級的勢力。
- So long as the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie do not completely turn traitor, this policy of ours will not change. 只要大地主大資產階級一天沒有完全叛變,我們的這個政策總是不會改變的。
- Hence the comprador Chinese big bourgeoisie has always been a target of the revolution. 因此,中國的帶買辦性的大資產階級歷來都是革命的對象。
- The Chinese big bourgeoisie,which is comprador in character,is a class which directly serves imperialism and is fostered by it. 中國的帶買辦性的大資產階級,是直接為帝國主義服務並為它們所豢養的階級。
- Although they have class contradictions with the peasants,they also have their contradictions with the big landlords and big bourgeoisie. 他們雖然同農民有階級矛盾,但他們同大地主大資產階級亦有矛盾。
- The middle bourgeoisie constitutes the national bourgeoisie as distinct from the comprador class,i.e. from the big bourgeoisie. 中等資產階級就是除了買辦階級即大資產階級以外的民族資產階級。
- But no sooner did the big bourgeoisie climb to power than it put an end to this revolution,thus creating an entirely new political situation. 但是大資產階級一經爬上了政權,就立即結束了這次革命,轉入了新的政治局面。
- The pro-European and pro-American big bourgeoisie may continue to resist Japan,but its proneness to conciliation remains serious. 歐美派大資產階級則尚能繼續抗日,但其妥協傾向依然嚴重存在。