
[bɪɡ]     [bɪɡ]    
  • adj. 大的;重要的;有雄心的;受歡迎的
  • adv. 宏大地;誇大地;成功地
  • n. 傑出的組織和個人
biggish bigly bigger biggest bigness



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 重大的,重要的
  2. 大的
  3. 年齡較大的
  4. 巨大的
  5. 成功的,偉大的
  6. 大受歡迎的
  7. 熱中於…的,狂熱的
  8. 經常做某事的
  9. 大方的,慷慨的
  10. 長大的
  11. 嚴重的
  12. 自視過高的
  13. (字母)大寫的
  14. <口>雄心勃勃的
  15. (葡萄酒)濃烈香醇的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 大大地,大量地
  2. 給人印象深地
  3. 成功地
  4. 寬宏大量地
  5. 懷著雄心,雄心勃勃地
  6. 浮誇地,誇口地,自大地,誇大地,自命不凡地
  7. 令人注目地,令人難忘地
  8. 在很大程度上
n. (名詞)
  1. 大亨
  2. 巨子
  3. 大公司
  4. 傑出的組織和個人
v. (動詞)
  1. 建造,塑造


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 大的,碩大的,高大的 large in size, extent or intensity
  2. 重要的,重大的 important
  3. 年齡較大的,長大了的 older
  4. 成功的; 大受歡迎的 successful; popular with the public


  1. above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent;

    "a large city"
    "set out for the big city"
    "a large sum"
    "a big (or large) barn"
    "a large family"
    "big businesses"
    "a big expenditure"
    "a large number of newspapers"
    "a big group of scientists"
    "large areas of the world"

  2. significant;

    "graduation was a big day in his life"

  3. very intense;

    "a bad headache"
    "in a big rage"
    "had a big (or bad) shock"
    "a bad earthquake"
    "a bad storm"

  4. loud and firm;

    "a big voice"
    "big bold piano sounds"

  5. conspicuous in position or importance;

    "a big figure in the movement"
    "big man on campus"
    "he's very large in financial circles"
    "a prominent citizen"

  6. prodigious;

    "big spender"
    "big eater"
    "heavy investor"

  7. exhibiting self-importance;

    "big talk"

  8. feeling self-importance;

    "too big for his britches"
    "had a swelled head"
    "he was swelled with pride"

  9. (of animals) fully developed;

    "an adult animal"
    "a grown woman"

  10. marked by intense physical force;

    "a big wind"

  11. generous and understanding and tolerant;

    "a heart big enough to hold no grudges"
    "that's very big of you to be so forgiving"
    "a large and generous spirit"
    "a large heart"
    "magnanimous toward his enemies"

  12. given or giving freely;

    "was a big tipper"
    "the bounteous goodness of God"
    "bountiful compliments"
    "a freehanded host"
    "a handsome allowance"
    "Saturday's child is loving and giving"
    "a liberal backer of the arts"
    "a munificent gift"
    "her fond and openhanded grandfather"

  13. in an advanced stage of pregnancy;

    "was big with child"
    "was great with child"

  1. extremely well;

    "his performance went over big"

  2. in a boastful manner;

    "he talked big all evening"

  3. on a grand scale;

    "think big"

  4. in a major way;

    "the play failed big at the box office"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. New York is a big commercial city.
  2. His business yields big profits.
  3. Don't cry, you are a big boy now.
  4. The big moment has come at last!
  5. The big thing is that you know what you want.
  6. He's got a lot of big ideas about how to change the system.
  7. That rock and roll band is very big in Chicago.
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. You need to think big(= aim to achieve a lot).
  2. As for us, we mustn't talk big in our external propaganda.
  3. The band comes over big with pop fans.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. With that new promotion he's now one of the bigs in the company.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
as big as life
    和原物一樣大 as large as sth/sb former
big on
    精於; 熱衷於 keen on (sth); enthusiastic about (sth)
big with
    已懷孕多時的 pregnant for a long time
too big for one's boots〔britches〕
    妄自尊大; 目中無人 considering everyone beneath one's notice; supercilious


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Farewell the plumed troops, and the big wars That makes ambition virtue.

    出自:Othello , Shakespeare
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