- I discovered that I liked my androgynous body. 我發現我喜歡我那不男不女的殘損的身體。
- Twentieth-century Western woman is truly an androgynous creature. 二十世紀的西方婦女確實是雌雄同體的生靈。
- The current blueprint from the Tao is androgynous and highly aware. 後者是雌雄同體並高度意識的。
- My look is very androgynous, and I consider myself a fashion chameleon. 我的外表十分「中性化」,所以我覺得自己能成為時尚界的「變色龍」。
- The period is virtually stamped in his wild boy, androgynous, Tatar image. 這段時期有著狂放韃靼男孩很明顯的印記。
- The shine is vertical one, makes the hair much more refined, beautiful and androgynous. 光亮變成垂直光亮,使頭髮更為纖細漂亮,很有雌雄同體的感覺。
- We are less threatened by the opposite sex within us and become more androgynous. 我們較不會受到異性的威脅,而變得更中性化。
- Men and women are also becoming more androgynous as their societal roles become more similar. 男人和女人也隨著各自社會角色相似度更大而更加「中性」。
- Male flowers: basally on androgynous inflorescences, actinomorphic, subtended by short rudimentary bracts. 雄花:在雄雌同序花序的基部,輻射對稱,被短的不發育苞片被包著。
- The results showed that: (1) As a whole, boys' tended to be more of androgynous trend of the development. 結果發現:(1)從總體上,男生比女生更多地呈現出雙性化發展的趨勢;
- The piece represents an androgynous person, with face tilted slightly downwards in thought. 是一個雙手抱頭,蹲在地上,佝僂著沉思,露出驚訝表情的黑人。
- He is beautiful in what he calls an "androgynous" way; dark-lipped and hazel-eyed, with long lashes that curl perfectly up. 他有一種他自己稱為"中性"的美,深色的嘴唇,淺褐色的眼睛,長長的髮絲完美地蜷曲著。
- Inflorescences often androgynous, solitary, from almost every node, a cluster or scorpioid cyme, subsessile, few flowered. 花序通常雄雌同序,單生,從幾乎每節生,簇生或蠍尾狀聚傘花序,近無柄,很少花。
- In the East, boy pop singers from Japan and Korea are so beautiful - in an androgynous way - that they could just as easily be female pop singers. 在東方,來自日本和韓國的年輕男藝人們甚至美麗到雌雄莫辨,將「中性美」發揮到極致,很容易被人誤以為是女性。
- An androgynous homeless person sporting an army surplus parka and cheap red plastic flip flops with no socks is pacing around the front entrance. 大學我們就認識了,還相處過一年的時間,我的第一次也獻給了他,當時還天真的要和他結婚過一輩子。
- Inflorescences in axillary pairs, dichotomous cymes, unisexual or androgynous (plants monoecious or partially hermaphroditic), bracts scale-like. 在腋生內的花序對,二歧,單性或雄雌同序(植株雌雄同株或部分兩性),苞片鱗狀。
- The famous super girls - Li Yuchun, dressed androgynous appearances, some people say it is personality, I think, is a metamorphosis. 大名鼎鼎的超級女生--李宇春,打扮得不男不女,有人說那是個性,我覺得,就是個變態。
- He is beautiful in what he calls an "androgynous" way; darklipped and hazeleyed, with long lashes that curl perfectly up . 他有一種他自己稱為"中性"的美,深色的嘴唇,淺褐色的眼睛,長長的髮絲完美地蜷曲著。
- Results All the participants could be classified into 4 sex role types: masculine, feminie, androgynous and undiffereritiated. 結果男、女高師生存在男性化、女性化、雙性化和未分化4種性度取向類型;其中未分化者所佔比例最大(50.;2%25);雙性化者最少(8
- Famously androgynous Super Girl singer Li Yuchun (pictured) is at the center of a peculiar online meme perpetuated by a vocal group of fans. 著名中性超女歌手黎吁春(照片)是在一個特殊的中心線上米姆延續了聲樂組的球迷。