- The starting location in memory to read from or write to, communicated on the data lines and stored by the DMA module in its address register. 把讀取或寫入處的記憶體開始位置放在資料線上;並且儲存於DMA模組內的位址暫存器.
- The switches are selectively turned on, depending on the data latched into a 3-bit multiplexer address register. 該交換機有選擇地打開,這取決於數據鎖存到3位多工器地址登記。
- Near the top are Register directives for the user control and the custom controls used in the connection. 靠近頂部的是連接中使用的用戶控制項和自定義控制項的Register指令。
- Note that there is a Register directive near the top of the file to register the compiled component and a tag prefix. 請注意,該文件頂部附近有一個Register指令,用於註冊已編譯的組件和標記前綴。
- Here is an example using the address register 下面是一個使用地址寄存器的例子
- Visual Studio adds two items to the page: a Register directive for the MailLink control, and the tag name of the MailLink control to use in the page. Visual Studio將以下兩項添加到頁上:MailLink控制項的Register指令,以及要在該頁中使用的MailLink控制項的標記名稱。
- WSAR Work Storage Address Register 工作存儲體地址寄存器
- Near the top of the page is a Register directive that declares the namespace of the source code contained in the App_Code directory. 網頁的頂部附近是Register指令,該指令聲明App_Code目錄中包含的源代碼的命名空間。
- The user control is referenced by means of a Register directive near the top of the Web page that hosts the user control. 該用戶控制項是通過使用承載用戶控制項的網頁頂部附近的Register指令來引用的。
- BSAR Buffer Storage Address Register 緩衝存儲體地址寄存器
- MAC Station Management Control and Address Register MAC站管理控制與地址寄存器
- A demand note is automatically mailed to the offenders address registered with TD at appropriate time. 有關之繳款通知書會在適當的時間根據違例者在運輸署的地址記錄自動印寄給違例者。
- At the top of the page are two register directives, one for the user control and one for the compiled component that contains the two custom WebPart controls. 在頁頂部有兩條register指令,一條針對用戶控制項,一條針對包含兩個自定義WebPart控制項的已編譯組件。
- The reissued IVRS password will be sent by post to your corresponding address registered in CASH. 我們將把補發的時富音頻電話服務密碼以郵遞方式寄往你於時富所登記的通訊地址。
- XSAR eXtra Storage Address Register 額外存儲體地址寄存器
- UCBAR Universal Character Buffer Address Register 通用字元緩衝器地址寄存器
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下雙目以避免對視。
- LFAR Last Frame Address Register 末尾幀地址寄存器
- LSAR Local Storage Address Register 本地存儲體地址寄存器
- I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我將為你預訂直飛倫敦的航班。