- The dissident vice-presidents said they should have done better and found out how Blatter was squandering FIFA's treasure chest. 經過月復一月的口角爭鬥,展現在記者面前的是一個四分五裂的國際足聯。
- This morning's performance was part confessional, part seminar.The dissident vice-presidents said they should have done better and found out how Blatter was squandering FIFA's treasure chest. 早上的發布會兼具懺悔和討論的性質,五個嘩變的副主席後悔沒有揪出布拉特揮霍國際足聯寶貴財富的證據,表示當初應該「做得更好」。
- He has coveted this treasure chest for a long time. 他對這箱子財寶早已垂涎三尺了。
- a pirate's treasure chest 海盜的財寶箱
- The sailor suddenly saw a pirate jumping onto the deck. 那水手忽然看到一名海盜跳上了甲板。
- A pirate, especially along the Barbary Coast. 海盜海盜,特別是沿北非伊斯蘭教各國的海盜
- Why join the navy if you can be a pirate? 如果你可以做一名海盜為什麼要加入海軍?
- He would be a pirate! That was it! 他要去當海盜!對,就這樣!
- We also got to ride on a pirate ship. 我們還乘坐了海盜船。
- It was worthwhile to be a pirate, after all. 歸根到底,當個海盜還是值得的。
- Command a pirate to improve a skill at a school. 命令一個海盜去學校接受教育以改善一項技術。
- And you can be a pirate, too Even if you're a boy! 就算你是個孩子,也能做海盜!
- To act as a pirate;practice piracy. 當海盜;從事劫掠行為
- Inside, Perina spied the treasure chest sitting on a small table. 走進宮殿,梨娃一眼望見在一張小桌子上放著的珍寶盒。
- They sweared like a pirate to me without sake. 他們無緣無故地大罵我。
- They were digging the treasure chest out of the sand. 他們把財寶箱從沙地里挖出來。
- To act as a pirate; practice piracy. 當海盜;從事劫掠行為。
- You a pirate - why you got that eyepatch on for? 你是個海盜啊,帶那個眼罩幹什麼?
- Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's life for me. 唷,唷,我的海盜人生。
- A pirate's provisions included rum. 甜酒是海盜的必備物資之一。