- It is showed that it could grow well in potato dextrose liquid medium and Martin』s medium. 在馬鈴薯葡萄糖培養基和馬丁氏培養基中生長較好;
- Methods: The cells were cultured under routine conditions using Dulbecco?s modified Eagle?s medium (DMEM) without L Arginine(L Arg). 方法:人肝癌細胞Bel-7402按常規條件培養於含10%25小牛血清且無L-精氨酸(L-Arg)的DMEM培養液中。
- Objective:To study the cause of intractable suppurative otiti s media. 目的:探討難治性化膿性中耳炎的原因。
- FAIR's Media Activism Resources - Multitude of media activist resources from newsletter to media activism kit. 公正的媒體活躍的資源 --眾多媒體活動家資源;從新聞媒體到運動包.
- MindShare Worldwide, part of WPP, will continue to manage the Company』s media planning efforts in the Americas. 傳立在世界範圍內, WPP集團的一部分,將繼續管理該公司的媒體策劃努力在美洲。
- Baidu』s media advertising positions them as a suave Chinese native vs the clueless foreigner (Google). 百度的媒體廣告的立場,作為中國本土與溫文爾雅的無言以對外國人(谷歌) 。
- In the last five years, a more educated, moneyed Chinese readership has fueled changes in the nation』s media. 近五年來,一批有學識、有經濟基礎的國內讀者促進了國家媒體的改變。
- He is currently in charge of Woodie CCI's media promotion and membership management. 現負責伍迪CCI項目的媒體策劃及伍迪俱樂部會員管理。
- Neither the newspaper nor SARFT's media administrator has offered an explanation for the suspension. 這則報道和中國國家廣電總局的媒體管理人員都沒有對停播做出任何解釋。
- Kevan Gospar, the head of the IOC's media commission, says he was not aware that senior IOC officials had agreed with Beijing that some Web sites would be blocked. 國際奧委會傳媒委員會主席高斯帕爾說,他以前不知道國際奧委會高級官員已經同意北京屏蔽某些網站。
- FAW-VW's media communication has generally declined in strength due to an overwhelming communication on special offers provided by rivals. We advise FAW-VW to pay attention. 一汽-大眾近日整體傳播力度漸弱,主要源於競爭對手優惠的宣傳過於強勢,建議企業關注。
- Once more, generalize the common types of media"s media event planning and elabrate the value standard and operating rules which the media"s media event planning should persist. 再次,對當前媒體新聞事件策劃的類型進行列舉式歸納,同時對媒體策劃新聞事件時應堅持的價值底線和操作規範進行闡述;
- Fingernail sp ecimen"s culture results showed that Trichophyton rubrum grew on Sabouraud"s dex trose agar and Pityrosporum ovale grew on the medium containing rapeseed oil. 指甲培養結果發現在沙堡培養基有紅色毛癬菌生長,在含菜子油培養基有卵形糠秕孢子菌生長。
- Scientists at MIT's Media Lab in the United States have invented an alarm clock called Clocky to make even the doziest sleepers, who repeatedly hit the snooze button, leap out of bed. 早晨你經常賴在床上不肯起來嗎,甚至連頭天晚上定好的鬧鐘也拿你沒辦法?日前,美國科學家針對這些超級嗜睡的人發明了一種新型鬧鐘。有了這種鬧鐘,甚至連最想睡懶覺的人都會乖乖地起床。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英語的複數名詞多以「s」結尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 這件套頭毛衣洗過多次已縮水了。
- The Chinese subtitle, however, mistranslated her remarks such that the endorsement was removed.The sinister torch-protection team has been called 「valiant and heroic」 by China』s media. 中國官方媒體將他們在倫敦巴黎的潰敗描繪成:激進者的不滿微不足道,支持者取得壓倒性勝利。
- Some old folk(s) have peculiar tastes. 有些老人有特殊的愛好。
- Through field visits and surveys, farmer"s media capacity has been investigated as well as their frequency of contiguity with media, motivation and their preference of the contents. 在實地走訪的基礎上,調查了農民的媒體擁有量,觸媒頻度、動機以及內容偏好等,並以此為依據分析了農民的媒體消費需求及媒體供給的不足。