Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. 特德。魯濱遜整整一周來被弄得焦躁不安。
May I present Mr Robinson to you? 可否讓我向你介紹羅賓遜先生?
Mr Robinson wants to pay in kind for the bike. 魯賓遜先生想以實物交換來獲得這輛自行車。
Since the [welfare] checks stopped, Ms. Robinson has been evicted from an apartment, found a boy-friend and fallen out with him, and wound up in a shelter for the homeless. 自從[社會福利]支票停止以後,魯賓遜小姐從公寓被迫遷出來,找到一個男友,跟他鬧翻了,最後到了無家可歸者的收容所里。