- This is my planned route for the weekend hike. 這是我計劃的周末遠足的路線。
- ATC clears you to Karachi via your flight planned route. 空中交通管制放行你到卡拉奇經過你飛行計劃航路。
- Simply follow the 15-day plan route until you're ready to leave Hyderabad. 只需沿著15日游的計劃路線,直到您準備好離開海得拉巴。
- The shrewd scheme was about to work like a charm when unfortunately the authorities wouldn't allow him to fly his planes over the planned route. 正當周密計劃即將產生出奇效時,不幸地是當局不允許他按原計劃的路線駕機飛行。
- If he saw a policeman, he decided, he would have to ditch this car, steal another, and divert from his planned route. 他決定,如果發現警察,就把車棄於溝壑,另偷一輛,並改變原行車路線。
- President of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge says he appreciates the planned route of the torch relay. 國際奧委會主席雅克.;羅格說,他對火炬傳遞計劃路線表示讚賞。
- In 2003, Ralston, then 27, was climbing alone in Blue John Canyon in southeastern Utah. He told no one about his planned route, a decision he would come to regret. 輳
- You could just enter your planned route into your mobile and the system would find somebody that goes your way, in real time, changing cars could be part of the service. 你只需要在手機上輸入你所計劃的路線,系統將自動發現那些走這條路線的人,並且按需更換搭乘的車輛也將成為服務的一部分。
- Even the route was truncated.In the days before the event, as fears for the safety of the torch grew, officials from the Indian Olympics Association (IOA) snipped the planned route by one-third. 儘管路線已經被切斷過;在傳遞的前一天;因為對火炬傳遞的不安越來越強烈;印度奧委會的官員又將路線斬斷了1/3.
- Xiamen Air 8801,is cleared to Fuzhou Changle Airport via flight plan route,flight level 6300 meters,runway 05,Fuqing 01 Departure,initially 700 meters,QNH 1016,squawk 7571,Departure frequence 124.6. 管:白鷺8801,可以放行至福州長樂機場,按計劃航路飛行,飛行高度6300米,使用跑道05,福清01離場,起始一邊700米,修正海壓1016,應答機7571,離場頻率124.;6。
- Roger,Clear to Fuzhou Changle Airport via flight plan route,flight level 6300 meters,runway 05,Fuqing 01 Departure,initially 700 meters,QNH 1016,squawk 7571,Departure frequence 124.6,Xiamen Air 8801. 飛:可以放行至福州長樂機場,按計劃航路飛行,飛行高度6300米,使用跑道05,福清01離場,起始一邊700米,修正海壓1016,應答機7571,,離場頻率125.;6,白鷺8801。
- CCA2715,you are cleard to Chongqing Jiangbei Airport via flight plan route,flight level 6300 metres,runwy 02,JTG 01 departure,initially 1500 M,QNH 1016,sqwack 1001,departure frenquency 125.6. 管:國航2715,可以放行至重慶江北,按計劃航路飛行,飛行高度6300米,使用跑道02,金堂01離場,起始一邊1500米,修正海壓1016,應答機1001,離場頻率125.;6。
- Beijing Olympic Torch Relay Planned Route unveiled 北京奧運會火炬接力傳遞計劃路線的順序和城市
- This allows you to plan routes in these areas with accuracy down to postcode areas. 這可以完全計劃你的讓你的路線,在這些領域,準確性下可到達郵政編碼的小地區。
- He has planned to lacquer the old table. 他計劃給舊桌子上一層漆。
- He has never dissatisfied with this plan. 他從來沒有對計劃表示不滿。
- Our climbing party planned to get away at dawn. 我們的登山隊打算一早就出發。
- I bought a run-down farm house and plan to fix it up. 我買了一間破敗的農舍,打算整修整修。
- They planned to make a wedding trip to Paris. 他們計劃到巴黎旅行度蜜月。
- I changed my plan in deference to your opinion. 我聽從你的意見,改變了計劃。