- The room is bone-dry, not a trace of damp anywhere. 房間十分乾燥,連一點濕氣也沒有。
- The room is bone-dry,not a trace of damp anywhere. 房間十分乾燥,連一點濕氣也沒有。
- There was not a trace of cynicism in his voice. 他的語氣里沒有一絲挖苦。
- I wish to say that there is not a trace of confusion or disorder. 我願意講一句,一點也沒有混亂或者不穩定的跡象。
- True friendship is pure, not a trace of dirt doping. 真正的友誼是純潔的,不會摻雜一絲污垢。
- I slid the drawers out. They were empty too, with not a trace of dust. 我拉出抽屜。抽屜也是空空的,一塵不染。
- Q: Tenacity and honesty are endowments, surely! Not a trace of them I have. 不懈及誠懇是天賦、絕對正確!可我一絲一毫都沒有。
- Wash the clams in plenty of running water until not a trace of sand is left. 以清水徹底洗凈蜆肉,直至沒有沙粒排出。
- I have that curiosity beside me at this moment; but not a trace of writing now remain beyond a single scratch, such as a man might make with his thumb-nail. 這稀罕物至今仍在我手裡,但上面的字跡已經消失,只剩下像是有人用大拇指甲劃過后留下的痕迹。
- Wherever the peasant associations are powerful,there is not a trace of banditry. 什麼盜匪,在農會勢盛地方,連影子都不見了。
- And now there was not a trace of that girl in the stiff figure sitting on the mule. 可如今那位姑娘的一點影子也沒有了,剩下的是個騎在騾子背上的僵直身軀。
- Wherever the peasant associations are powerful, there is not a trace of banditry. 什麼盜匪,在農會勢盛地方,連影子都不見了。
- He spoke without a trace of emotion. 他說話時毫不動感情。
- As I shake my head, it still feels brimful of luscious frivolity, with not a trace of philosophy. 我們需要估計一下那些盲目、貪婪、但卻客觀的鑒定家(改為:蒙著眼睛拉磨的批評家)能從你身上榨出多少油水。」
- There was barely a trace of salt in the soup. 湯里簡直一點鹽也沒有放。
- He always spoke with a trace of sarcasm. 他說話總帶著一絲諷刺。
- He was not a man to sit down with affront. 他並不是一個可以忍受當眾侮辱的人。
- In a golden afterglow, the people's work is structured, people's emotional stability and not a trace of panic. 在一片金色的餘暉里,人們的勞動是有條不紊的,人們的情緒穩定而沒有一絲驚恐。
- Not a soul remained within the enclosure. 柵欄里已經沒有人了。
- As I shake my head, it stillfeels brimful of luscious frivolity, with not a trace of philosophy. 儘管我搖頭否認,可這仍然充滿了甜美的輕浮,而沒有些許哲理。