- DL Naval Surface Weapons Center Dahlgren Laboratory 海軍水面兵器中心達爾格倫實驗室
- Naval Surface Weapons Center Acoustic Facility 海軍水面兵器中心音響設施
- Naval Surface Weapons Center 海軍水面兵器中心
- Earlier this year the US Naval Surface Warfare Center began working with Lockheed Martin Corp.to produce a thermobaric warhead known as "agent defeat". 今年早些時候,美國海軍水面作戰中心與洛克希德-馬丁公司展開合作,製造一種稱為"製劑殺手"的溫壓彈頭。
- Mouring,Sarah E.Composites for naval surface ships[J].Marine Technology Society Journal V32 n2Summer 1998. p41-46. 董華;劉忠;張人傑;等.;艦船火災中煙氣沿通道蔓延特徵的計算機模擬
- SEASTAR is a non-rotating active phased array radar for naval surface surveillance. 泰利斯公司認為,試驗結果說明天線的面板是令人滿意的。
- Earlier this year the US Naval Surface Warfare Center began working with Lockheed Martin Corp. to produce a thermobaric warhead known as "agent defeat". 今年早些時候,美國海軍水面作戰中心與洛克希德-馬丁公司展開合作,製造一種稱為"製劑殺手"的溫壓彈頭。
- Positioning on the over-the-horizon target using helicopter now is one of the main location method to attack for antiship over-the-horizon missile in naval surface ship. 直升機對超視距目標定位法,是目前各國海軍水面艦艇進行反艦導彈超視距攻擊時的主要定位方法之一。
- Experts with the Panama City Beach-based Naval Surface Warfare Center say such robots eventually will replace minesweeping ships and perform dangerous jobs now done by specialized divers. 專家與巴拿馬市海灘的海軍水面戰中心說,這種機器人最終將取代掃雷艦艇和演出危險的工作,現在做了專門的潛水勝地。
- Director Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment 海軍部水面武器研究所所長
- Director of Surface Weapons Research 水面武器研究處處長
- Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment 海軍水面武器研究所(英)
- Naval Surface Fire Support Warfare Control System 海軍水面火力支援戰控制系統
- Commander Naval Surface Reserve Force 海軍水面後備役部隊司令
- Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. 北洋水師是中國最早的海軍部隊。
- Jack looks well in naval uniform. 傑克穿海軍制服很漂亮。
- The naval warfare ended in our victory. 這次海戰以我們的勝利而告終。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 氣體變成氣泡升上水面。
- I put him down as a retired naval officer. 我看他是個退役的海軍軍官。
- The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over. 液體表面漸漸地結了一層皮。