- It's only a scratch(= a very slight injury). 不過是輕微的划傷。
- It's only a scratch, ie a very slight injury. 那只是一點擦傷。
- It's only a scratch,ie a very slight injury. 那只是一點擦傷.
- It' s only a day' s sailing from here to Shanghai. 從這裡去上海只有一天的航程。0?
- Don,t be serious; it,s only a trick. 別太認真了,這隻不過是個惡作劇而已。
- God is a girl. she's only a girl. 上帝是一個女孩.;她僅是一個女孩而已
- It was only a scratch, but he started squealing like a stuck pig. 我只是抓了他一下,結果他就開始鬼哭狼嚎。
- Remy: I"ve always beeved with hard work and a ttle bit of luck, it"s only a matter of time before I"m discovered! 雷米:我總是相信勤奮與努力外加一點點幸運就能換來成功,我的天分被發現,只是時間的問題。
- Eighteen-month-old Kayla, who was snugly belted into her car seat, emerged with only a scratch. 18個月大的凱拉由於緊緊綁在座位上,僅有一處擦傷。
- Only a few of my friends were informed about it. 這件事只有我的幾個朋友知道
- I was merely asking; it is simply a matter of time; just a scratch; he was only a child; hopes that last but a moment. 我只是問問;這只是個時間問題;只是擦傷;他不過是個孩子;僅僅希望再持續一會兒。
- The only slight imperfection in this painting is a scratch in the corner. 這幅畫唯一的瑕疵是在角落裡有一道划痕。
- Isay love,it is a flower,And you it's only seed. 我說,愛情是花朵,你是我唯一的種子.
- It's only a minor scratch on your car-there's no need to go off the deep end. 你的汽車只擦壞了一點兒——沒有必要發脾氣。
- We revere our stoic American archetypes, like the Wild West gunslinger riddled by half a dozen slugs of lead who swears, 「Aw heck, Doc, it's only a scratch. 我們崇敬美國那些堅忍的人,像西部那些槍手在被五六顆子彈打中后仍然罵道:「噢,醫生,這只是一點小傷。」
- It's only a Orgiastic World of Public Speech, a Utopia of impossible realization nowadays. 筆者認為:網路並未成為真正意義上的公共領域,它僅僅只是一個公共話語的狂歡世界,一個目前還無法實現的民主烏托邦。
- Please give me a new one. There is a scratch on it. 請給我一個新的。上面有道划痕。
- As you can see, a quaternion requires only four floats, so it\'s only a fourth of the size of the corresponding matrix. 正如你所看到,四元數僅需要四個浮點數,所以它只是給對應的矩陣添加了第四個數而已。
- Despite such efforts, then I think your life in a profound mark, but in your heart, and that I am only a little dust, the wheel of time will be Sid Nianguo clean, wind a scratch. 儘管我那麼那麼努力地想在你的生命中留下深刻的痕迹,但在你的心上,我只是那一顆小小的塵埃,時光的車輪碾過就會碎得乾乾淨淨,風過無痕。
- I got a scratch on my face and it bled a little. 我臉擦破了,略微流了點血。