- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下議院當眾發表了一個聲明。
- He volunteered a statement to the police. 他自動向警方供出情況。
- He'll publish a statement. 他將公布一項聲明。
- Only after this drew international attention and under Nazi pressure, did he unwillingly publish a statement stating that he reconciled with Goebbels. But in 1936 he rejected Hitler's demand that he comply with party propaganda. 只是在此事引起國際性關注,納粹對他既拉攏又高壓的情況下,他才違心地發表與戈培爾和解的聲明,但1936年,他還拒絕希特勒要他服從黨的宣傳需要的要求。
- He is going to publish a study of Oriental art. 他將出版一部有關東方藝術的論著。
- He has threatened to publish a weighty refutation. 他曾嚇唬說要發表文章進行有分量的反駁。
- He manifested the truth of a statement. 他明白顯示了一項陳述的真實性。
- The paper publish a daily list of stock exchange transaction. 該報紙發布證券交易所每日股票買賣的一覽表。
- If you do it, I'll publish your work. 假如你拍好了, 我就出版你的作品。
- He had the brass to make a statement. 他居然厚顏無恥地發表聲明。
- The magazine publish a short story write by a high school student. 這家雜誌刊登了一個中學生所寫的短篇小說。
- He illuminated a statement with many examples. 他用許多實例闡明一個論點。
- Such a statement will not avail. 這樣的聲明沒有什麼用。
- P&G published a statement refuting the GDBIQ's claims, and stating that there are no harmful chemicals in SK-II. 寶潔發布一則聲明反駁廣東檢驗檢疫局的投訴,並聲稱SK-II中沒有有害的化學成分。
- It is a statement in conflict with other evidence. 這一陳述與其他證詞不一致。
- He issued a statement to clarify the situation. 他發表了一項聲明以澄清形勢。
- Several Islamist Web sites published a statement of responsibility for the attack from al Qaeda in Iraq, the group led by terrorist mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. 幾家伊斯蘭網站都發布了一條伊拉克基地組織對該襲擊事件負責的聲明,該組織由扎卡唯領導。
- A statement of calendar time, as on a document. 日期對曆法時間的描述,如在文件中
- Nine journalists were arrested on charges of sedition this month after two newspapers published a statement critical of The Gambia's president, Yahya Jammeh. 本月,兩家報紙刊登了一則對甘比亞總統YahyaJammeh的批評性文章,隨即,9名記者被指犯有叛亂罪,並遭拘捕。
- A statement that twists fact; a misrepresentation. 歪曲,曲解扭曲事實的陳述; 曲解