- Those are dangers from without, petty dangers. 那是身外的危險。
- fusion from without 外源性融合
- More of our worries come from within than from without. 煩惱發乎內者多於發乎外。
- It added that the African Proposal did not come from without. 它補充說,非洲的提案並非無風起浪。
- It has to be a growth from within, not a graft from without. 它只能是一個從裡向外的成長,不能是一個來自「沒有」的嫁接。
- The danger in which Italy is now faced arises from within and not from without. 義大利現在所面臨的危險來自國內,而不是國外。
- Noninterference of our each other, from without complaint, never quarrel. 我們互不干擾,從無怨言,從不爭吵。」
- Looked at from without, they might be said to be engaged in "imitating" one another. 從外部看,他們可以說在彼此從事「模仿」。
- A true aim is thus opposed at every point to an aim which is imposed upon a process of action from without. 所以,一個真正的目的和從外面強加給活動過程的目的,沒有一點不是相反的。
- In this day the task of people is to save that Nation and its institutions from without. 今天人們的任務則是拯救國家和其政府機構,以免使其由外部瓦解。
- All governments try to protect themselves against enemies from within as well as from without during extreme crises. 所有政府在極端危急關頭都試圖防止國內和國外兩方面敵人。
- A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. 偉大的文明只能毀於自身,外力永不能將其征服。
- He who seeks only for applause from without has all his happiness in another's keeping. 追求別人的讚賞,就是將自己的快樂委諸別人手中。
- When we are old, we are drawn back, both from within and from without, to memories of youth. 當年老時,我們的內在與外在兩方面都向著年輕時的記憶退縮。
- Help from without is often enfeebling in its effects,but help from within invariably invigorates. 外來的幫助往往無法產生巨大的效用,而長期有自助精神則可以使人信心倍增。
- The danger in which Italy is now placed arises from within and not from without. 義大利現在所面臨的危險來自國內,而不是國外。
- Working in collusion, one from within and the other from without, they created pandemonium. 他們裡應外合, 把時局搞得烏煙瘴氣。
- Americans are the fusion of many different races. 美國人是各種種族人的熔合體。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在馬路對面向我招手致意。
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 別從那無賴手裡買舊車。