- Essays of Luxun's 魯迅雜文
- Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail. 盡量刪去你那文章中無關的細節。
- Do you know the essays of Francis Bacon, who lived about the same time as Shakespeare? 你知道弗朗西斯科·培根寫的文章嗎?培根和莎士比亞大約是同一時代的人。
- As the commissary of modern Chinese literature, the main style of Luxun"s literary composition expressed a lot of literature themes. 作為中國現代文學的代表人物,魯迅的文學創作表現了很多的文學主題。
- The main artistic style of Luxun"s literary inditing expressed a lot of literature characters, but among them the outstanding is main subject of revenge. 魯迅的創作表現了很多文學母題,而其中一個表現較為突出、值得引起注意的是復仇母題。
- An essay of the students' capabilities. 學習能力測驗
- Complete Model Essay of Law Document II. 新編律師文書完全範本2。
- What"s more, it has a deep realistic meaning which can be ofgreat benefit to inheriting the rare cultural bequest of Luxun and strengthening the building of Zeitgeist and literae humaniores. 同時,對更為深入地繼承魯迅文學遺產,加強當代中國社會的時代精神與人文建設,都具有深遠的現實意義。
- Through it the author trys to trace out the draft of their relationship in the comments of Luxun on Quyuan. 筆者希冀在他們孤獨的反抗中探討他們的無奈和意義,並在此基礎上搭建魯迅評價中所展現的二人關係的基本圖式。
- Luxun forge indissoluble bound with Buddhism all his life.Purpose lies in study how Buddhism culture to influent the novels of Luxun's. 魯迅一生都與佛教結下不解之緣,本文目的在於研究佛教文化是如何滲透並影響他的小說創作的。
- Do you know the essays of Francis Bacon,who lived about the same time as Shakespeare? 你知道弗朗西斯科·培根寫的文章嗎?培根和莎士比亞大約是同一時代的人。
- Model essays of practical writing such as speech, letter, travel notes, impressions and so on. 演講稿、書信、遊記、觀后感、讀後感等應用文的範文學習。
- She lied in a corner of Luxun park, dying. Flies and ants are crawling avariciously on her.Wish you go with no pain,bye,lovely kitty,bye,beautiful eyes! 在魯迅公園一個角落裡發現這隻剛死去的小貓,蒼蠅和螞蟻在它身上貪婪的爬行。從小貓的眼神來看,她應該走的並不痛苦。但願,她在另一個世界安好!
- Others have found the critical essays of Mary McCarthy brilliant and incisive where her novel "The Group" struck them as sprawling gossip. 也有人發現瑪麗·麥卡錫的評論文字寫得又漂亮又尖銳,而她的小說《那一群》卻讓人覺得只是絮絮叨叨的閑談。
- Short essays of criticism consist of mainly comments and criticism, together with prefaces, postscripts and poetry talks. 小品文也包括以雜感、隨筆為主,兼容序跋、詩話等的文藝隨筆。
- The flexible and meaningful individuated short essays of late Ming dynasty were the proclamation of the scholars of that time. 摘要形式輕靈、雋永,體制短小精鍊而富有個性化的小品文,是晚明文人心靈的宣言書。
- The proses by Zhang Wei can be sorted out of three different types,the informal essays of reading,the soliloquies and the reminiscences of life. 張煒的散文可分三個部分:讀書隨筆、獨語散文和對人生經歷的深情回憶。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 這種葯影響人精神不能集中。
- Not for her the waffly, fawning and self-satisfied essays of the Moscow commentariat, nor the pervasive well-paid advertorials. 當莫斯科新聞評論界充斥著浮誇、諂媚、自滿之風時,當金錢堆砌的有償新聞漫天飛舞時,她樸實如常,或許還有那麼點兒不可救藥。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能夠讓你相信我的誠意?