- Objective To investigate the change of the cerebral blood flow(CBF) in patients of TIA with vertigo symptom. 目的探討短暫性腦缺血發作(TIA)患者的眩暈癥狀與腦血流改變。
- Objective:TCD studies the value of cerebral blood flow(CBF)in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. 目的:研究經顱多普勒(TCD)評估蛛網膜下腔出血患者腦血流量(CBF)的價值。
- Diminished cerebral blood flow (CBF) during DKA, however, has not been previously demonstrated. 然而,以前並無確切證據表明DKA過程中腦血流(CBF)會減少。
- Objective To explore the effect of perinatal asphyxia on cerebral blood flow(CBF)and its clinical significance in newborns. 目的了解圍產期窒息對新生兒腦血流(CBF)的影響及意義。
- ADC values, cerebral blood volume(CBV), cerebral blood flow(CBF) and mean transition time(MTT) are parameters potential for predicting clinical outcome in acute ischemic patients. 表觀彌散係數、腦血流、腦血容量及平均通過時間是預測缺血灶結果的參數。
- Objective To investigate changes of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and its association with Chinese reading skill diagnostic test (CRSDT) in childhood reading disorder (RD). 目的探討兒童漢語閱讀障礙(RD)的腦血流改變與閱讀技能診斷測試(CRSDT)評分的關係。
- Conclusions Some parameter of cerebral blood flow(CBF) correlate with change of ICP.The parameter of CBF of TCD examination could indirectly deduce change of ICP. 結論顱內壓在一定範圍內變化時與腦血流的某些參數有高度相關性,TCD所測得腦血流參數改變可間接推斷顱內壓變化。
- ABSTRACT Objective To study the acute effect of lowering BP on cerebral blood flow (CBF) and brain function of in the patients with acute cerebral infarction. 目的 研究急性期降血壓治療對腦梗塞患者腦血流量(CBF)和腦功能的影響。
- It was observed that NaolikangCapsule exerted influence on cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral vascularresistance (CVR), blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) in dog models withZhenNaoning Capsule as the positive control. (1)以犬為研究對象,並以鎮腦寧膠囊為陽性對照,觀察腦力康膠囊對犬腦血流量、腦血管阻力、血壓及心率的影響。
- Methods Cerebral blood flow (CBF) and intracranial pressure (ICP) were measured after electrolytical destruction of the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, the midbrain reticular formation, or/and the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata. 方法電解毀損家兔下丘腦背內側核、中腦網狀結構和延髓網狀結構,觀察腦血流量和顱內壓的變化。
- Methods The cerebral blood flow(CBF),cerebral vascular resistance(CVR),peripheral blood flow(PBF),peripheral vascular resistance(PVR),blood pressure(SDP and DBP) and heart rate(HR) were measured using the MF-27 electromagnetic flowmeter. kg-1劑量組給麻醉犬靜脈輸注60 min;應用MF-27型電磁流量計測定腦血流量(CBF)、腦血管阻力(CVR)、外周血流量(PBF)、外周血管阻力(PVR)及其血壓(SBP、DBP)和心率(HR)等指標。 結果:ASS 15和30 mg.
- Abstract:This review summarized the effect on cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral autoregulation (CA) of different kind of exercises with different intensity or under special environment. 摘要:綜述了有關不同強度和形式的運動,以及特殊環境下運動對腦血流和腦自動調節影響的研究。
- The results showed puer arin significantly increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) and elevated cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRo2) and glucose (CMRglu) in a concentration-response fashi on. 結果表明,葛根素可以明顯增加兔腦血流量,並顯著提高兔腦耗氧量和葡萄糖攝取量,且呈劑量依賴性。
- Abstract: This review summarized the effect on cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral autoregulstion (CA) of different kind of exercises with different intensity or under special environment. 文章摘要: 綜述了有關不同強度和形式的運動,以及特殊環境下運動對腦血流和腦自動調節影響的研究。
- Methods The external carotid artery of rat was ligated to observe the effect of PAMD on cerebral blood flow(CBF)、cerebral vascular resistance(CVR)、blood pressure(BP) and heart rate(HR). 方法採用結紮頸外動脈的方法,觀察PAMD對大鼠腦血流量、腦血管阻力、血壓、心率等的影響。
- This review summarized the effect on cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral autoregulation (CA) of different kind of exercises with different intensity or under special environment. 摘要綜述了有關不同強度和形式的運動,以及特殊環境下運動對腦血流和腦自動調節影響的研究。
- Cerebral Blood Flow and HPNS of Monkeys during Heliox and Trimix Compression. 氦氧混合氣壓力、及氦氮氧混合氣壓力下實驗猴的大腦血流量及HPNS。
- Evaluating cerebral blood flow autoregulation by critical closing pressure. 臨界關閉壓在腦血流動力學評價中的應用。
- Cerebral blood flow and EEG in 32 patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. 32例蛛網膜下腔出血患者的腦血流量與腦電圖
- Conclusion: Fleabane injection can improve cerebral blood flow, blood rheology, clinical symptoms and signs. 結論:燈盞花注射液可以改善腦血流量及血液流變學臨床癥狀、體征。