
[gāo zhān yuǎn zhǔ]




高瞻遠矚 [gāo zhān yuǎn zhǔ]
  • - (形容眼光遠大) look far ahead from a high plane; look far ahead and aim high; take a broad and long [long-term] view; stand high and gaze [see] far; stand on a high vantage point and have a farsighted view; stand on a higher plane and be more farsighted; stand on an eminence and become farsighted; see things from a higher plane; see far and wide; show great foresight; have a wide vision of ...; from the most commanding height and with the greastest vision; standing at a higher plane to see things farther; having great foresight [a plan for the future]:

    forward-looker; 高瞻遠矚的人

    At the crucial moment, he showed great foresight and turned back the powers of darkness. 在關鍵時刻,他高瞻遠矚,力挽狂瀾。

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