- 見識(n) knowledge and experience
- 遠大(adj) forward looking and ambitious
- 增長見識open the mind
- 遠大的long-range
- 有見識的knowledgeable
- 有見識have one's head screwed on the right way
- 遠大理想lofty ideal
- 人生最重要的是樹立一個遠大的目標,並下定決心去實現它。--歌德The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.-- Goethe
- 她兼具常識與見識。She unites common sense and vision.
- 遠大的前程展現在他們面前。A great future opens before them.
- 目光遠大be far-sighted
- 通曉的,有見識的掌握知識或信息的,有理解力的Possessing knowledge, information, or understanding.
- 他見識淺陋,無人共鳴。His meagre knowledge arouses no sympathy in others.
- 他目光遠大。He has a broad vision.
- 他這人經歷多,見識廣。He is a man of wide knowledge and experience.
- 我認為你應該有遠大志向,你過於低估自己了。I think you should raise your sights. You're underestimating yourself.
- 正直的人就是有見識的人。He is the wise man who is the honest man.
- 志向遠大One's aspiration is far-reaching
- 一般見識be same in knowledge
- 遠大的抱負。towering ambition.