



  • - (錯誤) mistake; wrong; errors:

    make a clear distinction between right and wrong; 明辨是非

    thoroughly rectify one's errors; 痛改前非

    - (指非洲) short for Africa:

    South Africa 南非

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Fei Tiao 非調

  • - (不以為然; 反對; 責備) object to; oppose; blame; censure:

    excusable; not altogether inexcusable 不可厚非

    - (不合於) not conform to; run counter to:

    a breach of etiquette; impolite 非禮

    - (不是) be not:

    give an irrelevant answer; 答非所問

    no words can adequately describe; beggar description 非筆墨所能形容

    - (必須) have got to; simply must:

    No, I simply must go. 不行,我非得去。

  • - (跟「不」呼應,表示必須):

    require painstaking effort; must work even harder; 非下苦功不可

    will take no one but her to wife 非她不娶

    - [前綴] (表示否定或不屬於某種範圍) un-; non-; in-; il-; ir-; im-:

    nonmetal; 非金屬

    unjust 非正義



  1. 他們並非同宗。
    They are not of the same blood.
  2. 若非認識我們這位好朋友,我們的生活一定十分不妙。
    Our lives would have been greatly impoverished, if we had not known our dear friend.
  3. 在法律上,你沒有義務非回答這些問題不可。
    You are not legally bound to answer these questions.
  4. 世俗音樂是指非宗教的音樂。
    Secular music refers to music which is not religious.
  5. 皇室的領地並非屬於國王私人所有,而是屬於國家的。
    Land belonging to the crown does not belong to the king personally but to the state.
  6. 現代戰爭中,戰鬥人員與非戰鬥人員都可能死亡。
    In modern wars, both combatants and non-combatants are killed.
  7. 我們坐吸煙車廂還是非吸煙車廂?
    Shall we sit in a smoker or a non-smoker?
  8. 並非所有的人生來都像你這樣有天賦。
    Not everyone is born with such endowments as you.


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