



  • - (太陽; 日光) the sun:

    exposed to the sun; 朝陽

    the setting [evening] sun; 夕陽

    - (山的南面; 水的北面) south of a hill or north of a river:

    Hengyang (a city situated on the south side of Hengshan Mountain); 衡陽

    Luoyang (a city situated on the north side of the Luohe River) 洛陽

    - (中國古代哲學認為存在於宇宙間的一切事物中的兩大對立面之一) (in Chinese philosophy, medicine, etc.) yang, the masculine or positive principle in nature
    - (男性生殖器) male genitals
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Yang Yongbo 陽雍伯

  • - (凸出的) in relief:

    characters cut in relief 陽文

    - (外露的; 表面的) open; overt:

    act one way in public and another in private; be engaged in double-dealing 陰一套,陽一套

    - (屬於活人或人世的) belonging to this world; concerned with living beings:

    human habitation 陽宅

    - {物} (帶正電的) positive:

    positive ion; cation 陽離子



  1. 太陽看起來在天空以弧線運行。
    The sun appears to move in an arc across the sky.
  2. 這熱辣辣的太陽快把我烤焦了!
    I am broiling in this hot sun!
  3. 太陽從東方升起。
    The sun comes up in the east.
  4. 太陽消失在一片雲後面。
    The sun disappeared behind a cloud.
  5. 坐在這裡,你可以感到太陽的力量。
    Sitting out here, you really can feel the power of the sun.
  6. 太陽升到地平線上。
    The sun rose above the horizon.
  7. 夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。
    The setting sun had boundless beauty, Just because the yellow dusk is so near.


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