



  • - (兩手相合,臂的前部上舉) cup one hand in the other before the chest:

    take leave by saluting with both hands folded and raised in front 拱別

    - (環繞) encircle; surround:

    a great lake surrounded by mountains; 四山環拱的大湖

    A myriad of stars surround the moon. 眾星拱月。

    - (肢體彎曲成弧形) arch; hump:

    arch one's back 拱著腰

    - (用身體撞動物體)push without using one's hands:

    push open the door with one's body 用身子拱開了大門

    - (用身體撥開土地等) (of pigs, etc.) dig earth with the snout; (of earthworms, etc.) wriggle through the earth:

    Pigs dig earth with the snout. 豬用嘴拱地。

    - (植物生長,從土裡向外鑽或頂) sprout up through the earth:

    The young shoots have pushed the soil up. 苗兒拱出土了。

  • - (建築物成弧形的) arch:

    rainbow arch; 虹式拱

    circular arch 圓拱

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Gong Tingchen 拱廷臣



  1. 穿過拱門,沿著那條路走。
    Go through the arch and follow the path.
  2. 那個拱的跨度為60米。
    The arch has a span of 60 metres.
  3. 高大的樹木成拱形橫跨過那條河。
    Tall trees arched across the river.
  4. 大理石拱門是著名的倫敦標誌。
    Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.
  5. 那貓看見狗時就拱起了背。
    The cat arched its back when it saw the dog.
  6. 這座橋有三座拱洞。
    The bridge has three arches.
  7. 那隻貓氣得拱起了腰。
    The cat arched its back in anger.


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