



  • - (裝載) load; carry; hold:

    fully load; 滿載

    overload; 超載

    - (充滿道路) (the road) be filled with:

    Complaints are heard all over.; Popular grievances are openly voiced everywhere. 怨聲載道。

    Whirling snow swept over the road. 風雪載途。

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Zai Hui 載暉

  • - (又; 且) and; as well as; while:

    talking and laughing at the same time 載笑載言

  • - (年) year:

    six to twelve months; six months to a year; 一年半載

    three to five years; 三年五載

  • - (記載) put on record; write down:

    publish in newspapers or magazines; 登載

    reprint; 轉載



  1. 今天報紙上登載了總統訪問的詳盡報道。
    Today's papers carry full reports of the President's visit.
  2. 這輛卡車最大載重量是一噸。
    The maximum load for this lorry is one ton.
  3. 這輛卡車裝載很重。
    The truck was heavily loaded.
  4. 負載過重會把繩子拉緊到崩斷的地步。
    Too heavy a load will strain the rope to its breaking point.
  5. 這船負有重載。
    The boat received a heavy load.
  6. 商人決定用駱駝載運貨物穿過沙漠。
    The merchant decided to use camels to carry his goods across the desert.
  7. 火車載著許多旅客。
    The train carries many passengers.
  8. 高架路得承載很多車輛。
    A road bridge has to carry a lot of traffic.


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