- 竄逸無蹤To skulk without trace
- 無none
- 史無倫比unrivalled (or peerless, unequalled) in history
- 而趙孟頫(1254年至1322年)的書法則有圓轉揮灑,華貴輕逸的特點。這些書法家各自代表了一種傳統門派或書體。"a third type, soft, nimble and graceful, is that of Zhao Mengfu ( 1254-1322 ), they each represent a different classical school. "
- 人到發火時,理智逸無蹤。When a man grows angry, his reason rides out.
- 無法unable
- 輕light
- 是的,中國人有一種輕逸的,一種幾乎是愉快的哲學,他們的哲學氣質的最好證據,是可以在這種智慧而快樂的生活哲學里找到的。Yes,the Chinese have a light,an almost gay,philosophy,and the bcsl proof of their philosophic temper is to be found in this wise and merry of living.
- 無標題no title
- 輕的ethereal
- 倫比equal
- 無需dispense with
- 無人unmanned
- 無以倫比beyond comparison
- 輕拍lap
- 無格式plain
- 輕重degree
- 無主dereliction
- 小心輕放handle with care
- 無名nameless