



  • - (戒備) guard against; garrison:

    be on guard against 警惕

    - (使人注意) warn; alarm:

    punish one as a warning to others; 以一警百

    serve as warning for the future 以警將來

  • - (感覺敏銳) alert; vigilant:

    alert; sharp-witted; vigilant; 機警

    be a light sleeper 警醒

  • - (危險緊急的情況或事情) alarm:

    give an alarm; 報警

    fire alarm 火警

    - (警察的簡稱) police:

    traffic police; 交通警

    police box; 警亭



  1. 號兵吹出告警的號聲。
    A trumpeter sent out a warning blast.
  2. 他警告我晚上不要到那去。
    He warned me against going there at night.
  3. 汽笛響起了空襲警報。
    The sirens sounded an air-raid warning.
  4. 沒有人對即將發生的危險發出警告。
    No one has given out a warning of the imminent danger.
  5. 昨晚我們聽見了火警聲。
    The sound of fire-alarm was heard by us yesterday evening.
  6. 火警鈴的鐺鐺聲驚動了全村的人。
    The clang of the firebell alarmed the village.
  7. 報警器正發出火警警報。
    The fire-alarm is giving warning of fire.
  8. 我一看見冒煙,就發出了警報。
    I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.
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