- 胰島素原C肽Proinsulin C-peptide
- 重組人源胰島素原C肽recombinant human pminsulin C-peptide
- 人胰島素原C肽的表達、純化及其細胞活性研究Expression and Purification of Proinsulin C-peptide and its Cell Bioactivity
- Ⅰ型膠原C-末端肽typeⅠcollagen C-telopeptide
- 胃蛋白酶原CPepsinogen C
- 自體凝血酶原Cautoprothrombin C
- 帶信號肽人胰島素原突變體的構建及在COS-7細胞中的表達Construction of a mutant human proinsulin gene with signal peptide code and detection of its expression in COS-7 cells
- 胃蛋白酶原C基因Pepsinogen C gene
- 胰島素原proinsulin
- C肽C peptide; C-peptide; CP
- 胰島素原測定insulinogen determination
- 尿C肽UCP; urinary C peptide
- 血清瘦素水平與胰島素原、真胰島素及胰島素敏感性的關係The relationship between serum leptin, proinsulin, true insulin levels and insulin resistance in non-diabetic subjects: a population-based study
- 羊水C肽AFCP; amniotic fluid C-peptide
- 胃蛋白酶原C基因多態與胃癌的遺傳易感及其對血清胃蛋白酶原水平的影響Association of the Polymorphism of Pepsinogen C Gene to the Genetic Predisposition of Gastric Cancer and the Effect of It on the Value of Serum Pepsinogen C
- 人胰島素原類似物(B-Arg-Arg-A)基因的構建和表達Construction and Expression of the Gene for Human Proinsulin Analog(B-Arg-Arg-A)
- 空腹C肽Fasting plasma C-peptide
- 無胰島素原PIF; pro-insulin free
- 臍血C肽CBCP; cord blood C-peptide
- 胰島素原的[醫] insulinogenic; insulogenic