- 自体凝血酶原Cautoprothrombin C
- 自体凝血酶原Ⅰautoprothrombin Ⅰ
- 自体凝血酶原Ⅱautoprothrombin Ⅱ
- 自定义user-defined
- 自oneself
- 人胰岛素原C肽的表达、纯化及其细胞活性研究Expression and Purification of Proinsulin C-peptide and its Cell Bioactivity
- 自体接种一种疾病引起的感染,是由同一身体的不同部分传播来的An infection caused by a disease that has spread from a different part of the body.
- 血浆促凝血酶原激酶因子Cplasma thromboplastin factor C; PTF-C
- 自体接种利用从受体自身获得的微生物制备的疫苗作接种Inoculation with a vaccine made from microorganisms obtained from the recipient's own body.
- 体外凝血酶原激活剂extrinsic activator
- 自体妄想somatopsychic delusion
- 自体皮autogenetic split-thickness skin
- 血浆凝血酶原激酶前体缺乏症plasma thromboplastin antecedent deficiency
- 自体牙autogenous teeth
- 自凝血酶原autoprothrombin
- 自体的autologous
- 自体移植片autogenous graft
- 血浆促凝血酶原激酶前体缺失症plasma thrombo plastin antecedent deficiency; plasma thromboplastin antecedent deficiency; PTA deficiency
- 自体骨autogenous bone
- 自促凝血酶原autoprothrombin