



  • - (最後; 末了) end; ending; finish:

    end of the semester; 期終

    come to an end; 告終

    - (指人死) death; end:

    come to a sticky end 沒得善終

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Zhong Jun 終軍

  • - (自始至終的整段時間) all; entire; whole:

    all day long; all day; 終日

    the whole night 終夜

  • - (終歸; 到底) after all; in the end; eventually; finally:

    never repent after all; 終不悔改

    will succeed in the end; 終必成功



  1. 這次海戰以我們的勝利而告終。
    The naval warfare ended in our victory.
  2. 你如果把工作堅持下去,最終會取得成功的。
    If you persevere with work, you'll succeed in the end.
  3. 法國和英國爭奪北美洲的戰爭以英國的勝利而告終。
    The contest between France and England for North America ended in victory for England.
  4. 寒冷的天氣終於在三月末結束了。
    The cold weather at last broke at the end of March.
  5. 正義終將得勝。
    Justice triumphs in the end.
  6. 事情以玩笑開始,以悲劇告終。
    It began as a jest and ended as a tragedy.
  7. 拖了那麼久,他終於完成了論文。
    After much delay, he finished his paper at last.
  8. 你知道嗎斯通最終和他的秘書結婚了。
    Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary?


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