



  • - (通「冊」古代寫字用的竹片或木片) bamboo or wooden slips used for writing on in ancient China
    - (古代考試的一種文體) a type of essay in ancient China:

    personal interview with candidate in civil examination especially on current affairs 對策

    - (計謀; 辦法) plan; scheme; strategy:

    policy making; 決策

    good [the best] plan; 良[上]策

    - (古代趕馬用的鞭子) whip
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Ce Min 策敏

  • - (用策趕馬) urge with a horse whip; whip; spur:

    whip a horse on; 策馬前進

    lash and urge forward 鞭策



  1. 你知道今年的經濟政策嗎?
    Do you know the economic policy of this year?
  2. 這項政策不會受到選民的歡迎。
    This policy will not appeal to the voters.
  3. 那項政策經修改後才獲得委員會同意。
    The policy was agreed by the committee, but only in a modified form.
  4. 我們需要一個更為靈活的外交政策。
    We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.
  5. 這家公司里誰是決策者?
    Who is the policy maker in this company?
  6. 我們正努力對政府的財政政策進行全面的了解。
    We are trying to get a thorough understanding of the government's fiscal policy.
  7. 美國外交政策取決於聯邦政府,聯邦法律由國會制定。
    In the USA foreign policy is decided by the federal government and federal laws are made by Congress.
  8. 政府堅持自己的政策。
    The government stood pat in its policy.


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