



  • - (不包含什麼; 裡面沒有東西或沒有內容; 不切實際的) empty; hollow; void:

    an empty room; 空房間

    a bottle empty of wine; 空酒瓶

  • - (天空) sky; air:

    territorial sky [air]; 領空

    a clear [bright] sky; 晴空

    - {佛教} emptiness; void of the world of senses:

    All space-directions are void.; Everything is emptiness. 四大皆空。

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Kong Quan 空全

  • - (沒有效果; 白白地) for nothing; in vain:

    make fruitless efforts; 空忙

    make a journey for nothing 空跑一趟

  • - (騰出來; 使空) leave empty or blank; empty; vacate:

    empty a drawer; 空出一個抽屜

    Leave two blank spaces at the beginning of each paragraph. 每段開頭要空兩格。

  • - (沒有被利用或裡面缺少東西) unoccupied; vacant; blank:

    a vacant room; 空房

    blank line; 空行

  • - (尚未佔用的地方) empty space:

    Leave a little more space between the rows. 各行之間多留點空兒。

    Fill the blank spaces with right words. 用正確的詞填空。

    - (尚未佔用的時間) free time; spare time:

    I'm busy today. Let's talk about it some other day. 今天沒空兒,改日再談吧。

    Are you free? 你有空兒嗎?



  1. 新鮮空氣和運動有益於健康。
    Fresh air and exercise are good for the health.
  2. 打開窗戶,讓新鮮的空氣進來。
    Open the window and let in some fresh air.
  3. 落日把天空染成金色。
    The setting sun gilds the sky.
  4. 天空慢慢由藍色變為紅色。
    The sky slowly changed from blue to red.
  5. 暴風雨來臨時,天空轉暗。
    The sky turned dark as the storm came near.
  6. 她抬起頭來,凝望著十二月份陰沉沉的天空。
    She looked up staring at the sombre December sky.
  7. 夜空中的星星數不清。
    The stars in the night sky are innumerable.
  8. 雲是天空中的水汽團。
    A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky.


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