- 種花得花,種果得果。As you sow you shall mow.
- 得permit
- 果result
- 變得became
- 積善之家A family given to kindness and charity
- 與其抱怨,不如積善It is better to fight for good than to rail at the ill
- 開心果pistachio nuts
- 得很very (much, good etc.)
- 火龍果dragon fruit
- 得了be finished
- 並不是想要「積善」,卻為的希望藉此清心寡欲,減輕一些精神上的矛盾痛苦。This did not mean that she wished to "lay up treasure in Heaven," but she hoped that her religious exercises would enable her to "cleanse her heart" and "subdue desire," and so help to alleviate her mental anguish.
- 禁果forbidden fruit
- 只得have no alternative but to
- 奇異果actinidia berry
- 做得好do well
- 得獎bring down the persimmon
- 果蔬garden stuff
- 習得acquisition
- 果類fruit
- 得手go smoothly