- 才盡talent being exhausted
- 他智窮才盡,束手無策。He is at the end of his wits.
- 恐怕他已經智窮才盡了。I'm afraid he is at his wit's end.
- 天才talented
- 盡to the utmost
- 我已智窮才盡,無能為力了。I'm at my wit's end and can do nothing more.
- 才是be only
- 盡全力with might and main
- 才藝acqierement
- 盡最大努力as best one may
- 盡在be all in
- 只有這樣我們才能獲勝。Only in this way can we win the game.
- 有才talented
- 未盡事宜matters not mentioned
- 發揮才能develop ability
- 儘是all
- 盡我所能to the best of my ability
- 鬼才wizard
- 她是在她叔叔的幫助下才到那份工作的。She only got that job because her uncle gave her a leg up.
- 不盡not to the utmost