- 棉染黑RWcotton black RW
- 特級棉染黑cotton black E extra
- 直接深黑RWdirect deep black RW
- 特級棉染黑Ecotton black E extra
- 棉染cotton
- 睫毛膏一種用於染黑睫毛的化妝品A cosmetic applied to darken the eyelashes.
- 棉cotton
- 出口染黑豬鬃Black dyed bristles for export
- 棉染橙cotton orange
- 晒黑brown
- 棉染紅cotton red
- 芝加哥藍RWchicago blue RW
- 變黑darken
- 綠色木霉RW-2Trichoderma viride Rw-2
- 染上come down with
- 天黑darkness
- 棉球tampon
- 轉染transfection
- 棉襪quilted stockings
- 玻璃棉glass wool