- 芝加哥蓝RWchicago blue RW
- 氯唑蓝RWchlorazol blue RW
- 芝加哥蓝chicago blue
- 芝加哥蓝 6BChicago blue 6B
- 芝加哥蓝6Bchicago blue 6B
- 发布双层RW等DVD-RW DVD-R相关产品的最新信息Offering information on latest DVD-RW DVD-R related products including dual layer RW
- 她曾是芝加哥大学的化学教授。She was professor of chemistry at Chicago University.
- 这种瓷器蓝中带绿。The pottery is blue with a greenish hue.
- 她每天通勤于芝加哥和洛克福之间。She commutes between Chicago and Rockford every day.
- 比赛结果芝加哥队以二比一获胜。The result of the match was 2-1 to Chicago.
- 安吉拉在做时装模特儿,展示一件吸引人的蓝绸连衣裙。Angela is modelling an attractive blue silk dress.
- 蓝眼睛是隐性的;而褐色眼睛是显性的。Blue eyes are recessive and brown eyes are dominant.
- 艾迪生美国伊利诺斯州东北部一村落,芝加哥的居住区及工业区。人口32,058A village of northeast Illinois, a residential and industrial suburb of Chicago. Population32,058.
- 阿尔新蓝alcian blue
- 埃及蓝Egyptian blue
- 底特律位于芝加哥附近。Detroit falls under the shadow of Chicago.
- 他是芝加哥有名的骗子。He was a famous racketeer in Chicago.
- [医] 菘蓝Isatis tinctoria L.
- 在底特律一明尼阿波利斯一芝加哥三地游走的推销商;巡回讲演的著名演说家A salesperson on the Detroit-Minneapolis-Chicago circuit; a popular speaker on the lecture circuit.