



  • - (明亮) bright; brilliant; light:

    be brightly lit; be brilliantly illuminated; 燈火通明

    a full moon; 一輪明月

    - (明白;清楚) clear; distinct:

    make sure; 查明

    show clearly; 充分說明

    - (公開;顯露在外;不隱蔽) open; overt; visible; apparent:

    give both overt and covert support 明裡暗裡支持

    - (眼力好; 眼光正確; 對事物現象看得清) clear-sighted; sharp-eyed; discerning:

    clever; intelligent; 聰明

    astute; shrewd; bright; 精明

    - (心地光明) aboveboard; candid; honest:

    open and aboveboard; plain dealing; 光明磊落

    open and aboveboard; just and honourable 正大光明

  • - (懂得;了解) understand; comprehend; know:

    be deeply conscious of the righteousness of a cause; 深明大義

    do not know gains and losses [advantages and disadvantages] 不明利害

  • - (朝代) the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
    - (視覺) sight:

    lose one's sight; 失明

    regain one's sight 復明

    - (次於今年、 今天的) immediately following in time:

    next year; 明年

    tomorrow evening 明晚

    - (人世間) the world
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Ming Yuzhen 明玉珍



  1. 我們決定把婚禮推遲到明年。
    We decided to delay our wedding until next year.
  2. 新的稅收制度將於明年實行。
    A new system of taxation will be brought into effect next year.
  3. 明年將要修建一條超級高速公路。
    A superhighway will be constructed next year.
  4. 基於我們銷售情況的預測,我們明年將開始賺錢。
    On the basis of our sales forecasts, we may begin to make a profit next year.
  5. 他們建造一個新的國家公園的工程將於明年完工。
    Their project to establish a new national park will be completed next year.
  6. 我希望明年某一時候再見到你。
    I hope to see you again sometime next year.
  7. 明年我就滿三十歲了。
    I'll be thirty next year.
  8. 如果你到今晚把手頭上的工作做完,你明天就可以休息。
    Provided/Providing (that) you clear your desk by this evening, you can have tomorrow off.


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