- 摘要八股文是一種相當僵化的文體,自明代開始,對八股文的批評幾乎無時或息,但它為什麼能夠長期沿用達五百多年之久呢?Eight-part essay is a kind of stereotyped writing style, the criticism of which has hardly ceased since the Ming Dynasty.
- 時hour
- 無none
- 或might
- 無法unable
- 無標題no title
- 耶穌啊,天使的軍旅無時或息地讚頌禰的至聖之名,高呼道:聖哉、哉、哉。而我們這些世上的罪人,也以卑微的聲音歌唱說:阿肋路亞。The Angelic Hosts in Heaven glorify unceasingly Thy most holy Name, O Jesus, crying: Holy, Holy, Holy! But we sinners on earth, with our frail voices cry: Alleluia!
- 胎便彙集於腹部小腸中的一種深綠色渣滓物,並在出生時或將近出生之時排出A dark green fecal material that accumulates in the fetal intestines and is discharged at or near the time of birth.
- 我不喜歡在聚會中與她交談;我總感到她無時不在讓我難受。I don't enjoy talking to her at parties; I always feel that she's trying to psych me out all the time.
- 備生病時或退休後用的積蓄a cushion of savings against sickness or retirement
- 無時延without time delay
- 限時或需要日期DUDAT [deadline or due date]
- 無時不always
- 女人時或會懺悔自己的罪惡,但我從未認識過一個可承認過失的女人。A woman will sometimes confess her sin, but I never know one to confess her fault.
- 無時性achrony
- 女人時或會懺悔自己的罪惡,但我從未認識過一個肯承認過失的女人。A woman will sometimes confess her sins, but I never knew one to confess her faults.
- 我不喜歡在聚會中與她交談; 我總感到她無時不在讓我難受。I don't enjoy talking to her at parties; I always feel that she's trying to psych me out all the time.
- 夢中,時或喊而恐慌。In the dreams, sometimes you cry to be panic.
- 無時熱淚pyretic epiphora
- 上帝時或會製造一些奇迹;看啊,身為一名律師,居然還是老實人!God work wonders now and then; Behold, a lawyer an hone man.