- CPB結束后60 min取肺組織提取總RNA,用RT-PCR方法測定凋亡調控基因Bcl-2、Bax的mRNA表達。The lungs were removed at 60 min after termination of CPB.Bcl-2 and Bax mRNA expression in lung tissue was determined by RT-PCR.
- 從少量轉染細胞中同時快速提取總RNA和基因組DNASimultaneous and rapid purification of totalcytoplasmic RNA and genomic DNA fromsmall numbers of transfected maniinaiiancells.
- 總overall
- 方法:從鼠肺提取總RNA,經RT-PCR獲得HMGB1 A盒基因。Methods: Total RNA was extracted from the lung tissue of a new born mouse, and the HMGB1 A box gene was obtained by RT-PCR using specific primers.
- 提取(v) extract; refine
- 提取總RNARNA isolation
- 總的total
- 總表general schedule (GS)
- 總覽pandect
- 副總vice president
- 總有一天one of these fine days
- 總金額aggregate amount
- 時,提取總RNA,Rl』- PCR法檢測ATI mRNA的相對表達量。Total RNA was eluted. RT-PCR technique was used to measure the relative value of ATi mRNA.
- 改良CTAB法從采后荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.)果皮中提取總RNAExtracting Total RNA from Pericarp of Postharvest Litchi(Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Fruit by Improved CTAB Method
- 總RNAtotal RNA
- 總RNA含量total RNA content
- 高溫敏感不育水稻育性敏感期幼穗和葉片中的總RNA含量變化The Changes of Total RNA Content in Young Ears and Leave for Thermo-Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Indica Rice During Fertility-Sensitive Periods
- 採用改進的CTAB-DNA提取方法,從11種蘭屬植物的嫩葉中提取總DNA。The method of CTAB-DNA isolation was optimized and used to extract genomic DNA from the tender leaves of 11 species of Cymbidium.
- 大鼠攝入2?FAA后,GUA和ADA的活性均迅速升高,並與總RNA濃度呈正相關。The GUA and ADA activities increased rapidly in the rats fed with 2 FAA, and positive correlations were found between GUA or ADA activity and total RNA concentration.
- 改良的大鼠腦組織總RNA抽提方法The Improvement of Extraction Methods of Total RNA from Rat Brain Tissue