



  1. 不要老是把你的钢笔东放西放,否则总有一天会丢失的。
    Don't always leave your pen about or you will lose it one day.
  2. 她总有一天要出事。
    She'll have an accident one day.
  3. 你那些恶作剧总有一天会使你自食其果。
    Your practical jokes will redound on you/your own head one day.
  4. 他总有一天会遭到恶报的。
    He'll come to a bad end one of these days.
  5. 总有一天我俩都有机会看看纽约。
    One day we'll both get to see New York.
  6. 这次他欺骗了我,但总有一天我会报复他的。
    He tricked me this time but I'll get back at him one day.
  7. 她总有一天会好起来的,愿上帝开恩。
    She'll get better one day, please God.
  8. 你总有一天要因为你的罪行而得到报应的。
    You will have to answer for your crimes one day.
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