



  • - (用力使朝自己所在的方向或跟著自己移動) pull; drag; draw; tug:

    draw a net in; 拉網

    pull a rickshaw; 拉人力車

    - (用車載運) convey by vehicles; haul; transport; carry:

    drive a truck to carry cargo; 開卡車拉貨

    The tractor hauled the fertilizer away. 拖拉機把肥料拉走了。

    - (帶領轉移) move:

    move the wounded soldiers to the rear 把傷兵拉到後方

    - (演奏樂器) play (certain musical instruments):

    play the violin [accordion] 拉小提琴[手風琴]

    - (拖長; 使延長) drag out; draw out; space out:

    pull a long face; 拉下臉

    drawl; 拉長聲音唱

    - (撫養) bring up:

    brought up three children; 拉大了三個孩子

    I was brought up by my paternal aunt. 我是由姑姑拉大的。

    - (幫助) help; assist:

    give [lend] him a helping hand 拉他一把

    - (牽累; 拉扯) implicate; drag in; involve in:

    be implicated in the trouble; 被拉進了那場糾紛中

    Why drag in others when it was all your own doing? 自己做的事,為什麼要拉上別人?

    - (拉攏; 聯絡) solicit; draw in; canvass; win over:

    solicit shareholders; 拉股

    canvass votes 拉選票

    - (閑談) chat:

    have a chat; engage in chitchat 拉家常

    - (逼迫) press:

    grab sb. for military service; press-gang; forcibly conscript; 拉壯丁

    press sb. to work on a project 拉民工

    - (欠賬) owe:

    be in great debt; owe a mountain of debts 拉一屁股債

    - (排泄) empty the bowels:

    have loose bowels; 拉肚子

    suffer from vomiting and diarrhoea 又吐又拉

    - (乒乓球技法之一) lift
    - (摧毀; 折斷) destroy; smash; break:

    break a dead branch from a tree; (as easy as) crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood 摧枯拉朽

  • - (拉丁美洲的簡稱) short for Latin America



  1. 湯姆每次轉身都把被子往他那邊再拉一些。
    Every time Tom rolled over he pulled more of the bedclothes to his side.
  2. 突然窗帘拉了開來,一道強光照了進來。
    The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in.
  3. 天黑了,我把窗帘拉上。
    I drew the curtain as it was getting dark.
  4. 馬拉著一輛裝滿土豆的板車。
    The horse pulled a cart loaded with potatoes.
  5. 他抓住我的領子把我拉倒他面前。
    He grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him.
  6. 他使勁拉住韁繩。
    He pulled at the reins.
  7. 你只要拉這個拉出器,就可以很容易地把罐頭打開。
    You may open the tin simply by pulling the puller.
  8. 這台拖拉機拉力大。
    The tractor pulls well.


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