- 抗生素S-AAntibiotic
- 抗生素antibiotics
- 不僅A而且not merely A but also B
- 與其說A不如說not so much A as B
- A股A-share
- 把A誤以為take A for B
- S玻璃纖維S-glass fibre
- 這種葯會抑制抗生素引起的反胃。This medicine will counteract the queasiness caused by the antibiotics.
- 他在文件上籤上姓名的首字母G.P.S。He initialed the paper G.P.S.
- 青霉素是現代抗生素的先導。Penicillin was the forerunner of modern antibiotics.
- 維生素Avitamin(e)
- s-o-n-g拼成"song"一字。s-o-n-g spells "song".
- 把A視為looked upon A as B
- 我給開點咳嗽藥和一些抗生素藥丸。I'll give you some cough medicine and some antibiotic pills.
- 雙酚Abisphenol A
- 抗生素髮酵微生物microorganisms of antibiotic fermentation
- 由青霉素類軟膏製成的真菌抗生素。a fungicidal antibiotic produced by molds of the genus Penicillium.
- A型A Mode; A-form
- 農用抗生素farm antibiotics
- 把A比喻compare A to B