- 手Swanson假體植入術Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of hand
- 手指Swanson假體植入術Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of finger
- 膝Swanson假體植入術Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of knee
- 趾Swanson假體植入術Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of toe
- 腕關節Swanson假體植入術Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of wrist
- 目的研究三翼臼髖關節假體植入后在靜載荷作用下骨盆結合處周圍的變形狀態。Obejective To quantitatively research the deformation distribution of the outside pelvis around the replacedartificial acetabulum joint under static loads.
- 膝假體knee prosthesis
- 兒童白內障人工晶體植入術后雙眼視功能恢復情況的研究Investigation of the recovery of the binocular visual function after the operation for children cataract
- 假體柄prosthesis
- 糖尿病患者白內障超聲乳化吸出聯合後房型人工晶狀體植入術Cataract Extraction of Phacoemulsification Combined with Posterior Chamber Intraocular lens Implantation in Diabetics Patients
- 脛骨假體Tibial prosthesis
- 高度近視眼透明晶狀體摘除聯合人工晶狀體植入術的臨床觀察Clear lens extracapsular extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation for treatment of high myopia
- 鈦板假體Titanium Prosthesis
- 牙種植體植入方向在修復設計與頜骨骨量間的差異Deviation between planned prosthetic and residual bone trajectories in dental implant
- 植入術embedding
- 複合假體composite substitute
- 硅膠植入術implantation of silicone
- 人工假體Prosthesis
- 根骨內種植體植入牙槽骨吸收的中切牙的有限元應力分析Finite element analysis of the stress induced by an endodontic endosseous implant placed through a centeral incisor with periodontal compromises
- 假體失效Prosthesis failure