- 手指Swanson假体植入术Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of finger
- 手Swanson假体植入术Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of hand
- 膝Swanson假体植入术Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of knee
- 手指finger
- 趾Swanson假体植入术Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of toe
- 手指的digital
- 小手指pinkie
- 腕关节Swanson假体植入术Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of wrist
- 手指,足趾其它脊椎动物相对应的部位A corresponding part in other vertebrates.
- 目的研究三翼臼髋关节假体植入后在静载荷作用下骨盆结合处周围的变形状态。Obejective To quantitatively research the deformation distribution of the outside pelvis around the replacedartificial acetabulum joint under static loads.
- 某些种类的竹子比小手指还细。某些则比腰还要粗得多。Some bamboo is thinner than your little finger. Some is much thicker than your waist.
- 带部分股骨假体行人工髋关节翻修术时术前注意的几个问题Preparations of Operation on Overhaul by a Specially Designated Hip joint
- 她把手指浸入水中,看水热不热。She dipped her finger in the water to see if it's hot.
- 他有一个烦人的习惯:听别人讲话时不断用手指在桌面上敲击。He had an annoying habit of drumming his fingers on the table while he listened.
- 生物活性陶瓷涂层假体植入股骨初期的界面生物力学分析Study of biomechanical properties on the interface between femora and bioactive ceramics coatings prosthesis during the initial implant stage
- 他把手指摆在琴键上等着。He waited with his fingers poised over the keys.
- 单双节段Bryan颈椎间盘假体置换术后1~8个月临床资料分析Ongoing clinical study of Bryan disc in single or bi-levels cases
- 严寒使我的手指有刺痛感。The cold caused a tingle in my fingers.
- 植入假体implantation of prosthesis
- 手关节植入术Implantation of joint of hand