- 它永遠在流淌,但不恣行無忌或泛濫成災,它為相愛雙方提供了一方基地,他們可以由此出發去追尋各自在這個世界中的目標與理想,也可以返回基地去分享彼此的經歷。Ever-present but not intrusive or overwhelming, it provides a base from which both partners can pursue their down goals in the world, and to which they can return to share their experiences.
- 無none
- 所place
- 護士是一片雲,白衣素雅,行無所息。A nurse is a cloud, drifting soundlessly in quiet white dress.
- 無法unable
- 恣行無忌act wilfully and unscrupulously; behave recklessly
- 無標題no title
- 惡人離開所行之惡。A wicked man turns away from the wickedness.
- 刁滑的、肆行無忌的且常為不誠實的人(尤指做生意時)Person who is shrewd, unscrupulous and often dishonest, esp in business
- 所言所行words and deeds
- 這些價格據說是有行無市。These quotations are said to be nominal.
- 肆行無忌act disorderly and care for nobody
- 人所行的,若蒙耶和華喜悅,耶和華也使他的仇敵與他和好。When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him.
- 肆無忌彈unbridled; unscrupulous
- 伯36:24你不可忘記稱讚他所行的為大、就是人所歌頌的。"Remember that you should exalt His work, Of which men have sung.
- 他肆無忌彈地剝削人民。He is unscrupulous in his exploitation of people.
- 計步器,步程器一種通過記錄所行步數來估測步行近似距離的儀器An instrument that gauges the approximate distance traveled on foot by registering the number of steps taken.
- 腹股溝疝行無張力疝修補術20例治療體會Experience of 20 cases of abdominal hernia by atonic hernia repair
- 傻語無忌naive point without avoidance
- 所行的道路通達.Thou do prosper my way which I go