



  • - (客人)visitor; guest; caller:

    uninvited [unexpected] guest; 不速之客

    frequenter; frequent caller [visitor]; 常客

    - (旅客)traveller; passenger:

    passenger cabin; 客艙

    The passengers and goods were quickly landed. 客貨一起迅速上岸。

    - (寄居或遷居外地的人) settle or live in a strange place; be a stranger:

    die abroad; 客死他鄉

    live in a strange land 作客他鄉

    - (客商) travelling merchant:

    jeweller 珠寶客

    - (顧客) customer:

    passenger; 乘客

    boarder; lodger 房客

    - (奔走各地從事某種活動的人) a person engaged in some particular pursuit:

    assassin; 刺客

    politician 政客

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Ke Sun 客孫

  • - (在人類意識外獨立存在的) objective:

    objective 客觀

  • - (用於論份兒出售的食品、飲料) portion; help; helping:

    order a portion of fried eggs; 要一客煎蛋

    He had two helpings of pudding. 他吃了兩客布丁。



  1. 他們給客戶散發傳單。
    They distributed leaflets to customers.
  2. 各商行互相競爭以招攬顧客。
    Businesses vied with each other to attract customers.
  3. 城鎮的那部分對遊客完全沒有吸引力。
    That part of the town is completely void of interest for visitors.
  4. 他是我們家的常客。
    He is a frequent visitor to our house.
  5. 昨天有兩名遊客慘遭殺害。
    Two visitors were brutally slain yesterday.
  6. 這座哥特式的大教堂吸引了世界各地的遊客。
    This Gothic cathedral has attracted visitors from all around the world.
  7. 房間里擠滿了客人。
    The room was crowded with guests.
  8. 請便/別客氣。
    Be my guest.


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