



  • - (防守; 看守) guard; defend:

    guard the pass; 把守關口

    defend a city; 守城

    - (守候; 看護) keep watch:

    keep watch for the whole night; 守了一夜

    watch at sb.'s bedside; 守在床邊

    - (遵守; 遵循) observe; abide by:

    behave well; 守規矩

    keep one's promise; be as good as one's word; 守信用

    - (靠近; 依傍) close to ; near:

    Where there is water nearby, make a special effort to breed fish. 守著水的地方要多養魚。

    Why don't you learn Esperanto when you have such a good teacher at your side? 守著這樣好的老師,你為什麼不學世界語 ?

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Shou Gong 守恭



  1. 通往宮殿的所有道路都有部隊把守。
    All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops.
  2. 安得猛士兮守四方?
    Where will I find brave men to guard the four corners of my land?
  3. 看守在深夜仍在站崗。
    The guards are still on watch at midnight.
  4. 步兵防守甚佳。
    The infantry is/are defending well.
  5. 大門口有士兵在守衛。
    There are soldiers on guard at the gate.
  6. 囚犯們企圖和看守做換取自由的交易。
    The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for their freedom.
  7. 狗守衛著房屋,不讓陌生人進去。
    The dog guarded the house against strangers.


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