- 雙波長K係數法分光光度同時測定銅鈦合金中的銅和鈦Dual-Wavelength K-factor Spectrophotometric Method for Simultuneous Determination of Copper and Titanium in Copper-Titanium Alloys
- 多波長K係數法Multi-wavelength K-factor method
- 多波長K係數分光光度法Mutiwave-Length K-Factor Spectrophotometry
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- 雙波長K係數dual- wavelength K- factor
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- 多波長K係數分光光度法的應用研究Studies on the Application of Mutiwave-Length K-Factor Spectrophotometry
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- 雙波長K係數分光光度法同時測定原油中鋁、鐵Simultaneous determination of aluminium and iron in crude oil by dual-wavelength K-factor spectrophotometry
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- 說法statement
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- 基於輻射強度多波長分析的燃燒火焰溫度測量方法發實驗研究Experimental study of flame temperature measurement based on combustion flame radiation multi-wavelength analysis
- 雙波長K係數分光光度法同時測定日落黃與檸檬黃Simultaneous determination of sunset yellow and tartrazine by dual wavelength K-factor spectrophotometry
- 多年many years
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- 雙波長吸光度比值K係數法同時測定三組分體系的研究與應用Studies on Simultaneous Determination of TraceComponents in Compound pharmaceutical by DualWavelength Absorbance Ratio K-factor Spectrop-tometry and Its Application
- 可調諧多波長tunable muti-wavelength