



  1. 我們聽見他們在遠處吹奏的笛聲。
    We heard their piping in the distance.
  2. 音樂的聲音在遠處逐漸模糊了。
    The sounds of music grew fainter in the distance.
  3. 歡呼聲在遠處逐漸消失了。
    The sound of the cheering faded (away) in the distance.
  4. 這幅畫要在遠處欣賞。
    The painting can be only admired at a distance.
  5. 我們可以用電話和住在遠處的人說話。
    We can talk to those who live far away by telephone.
  6. 一隻牛蛙在遠處呱呱地叫。
    A bullfrog was croaking in the distance.
  7. 燈塔在遠處發出閃爍的光。
    A lighthouse was flashing in the distance.
  8. 一列火車在遠處鳴響了汽笛。
    A train whistled in the distance.
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