



  1. 水泥未乾時不要在上面行走。
    Don't walk on the wet cement.
  2. 她準是暗地裡一直在上課。
    She must have been having lessons on the sly.
  3. 飛機在上空發出嗡嗡聲。
    An aircraft droned overhead.
  4. 我們在上半場贏了(領先於對方)兩個球。
    We were two goals up (ie ahead of the other team) at half-time.
  5. 現在一種新型小汽車正在上市。
    A new type of car is on the market now.
  6. 那匹馬肯定會贏,把你所有的錢都押在上面吧。 
    That horse is bound to win; put your shirt on it.
  7. 綠皮書在那一堆書的底下,紅皮書在上邊。
    The green book is at the bottom of the pile and the red one is on top.
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