- 哀感頑艷so pathetic as to move both wise and the dull; be simultaneously provided with sadness; sentimentality, quaintness and gorgeousness; very touching
- 哀慟有時、雀躍有時,A time to mourn and a time dance
- 哀慟的淚水在中國流淌There are tears that flow in China
- 通過時代氣候、世家庭、性理想三個方面的考察,力求還原詞人身處的文化生態環境,進而理清納蘭性德「哀感頑艷」、婉麗凄清」詞風的內蘊及成因。It tries to restore the then cultural-ecological environment in which Nanlan lived from three perspectives: the times, family background, personality and ambition, aiming to explore the core and causes of Nanlan's style of Ci, which features sentimentality, sadness, beauty, and elegance.
- 爺爺辭世,全家人深感哀慟。The family was in mourning over the death of their grandfather.
- 艷遇affair; one's romantic history
- 頑naughty
- 因此,神要我們為這樣的局面哀慟。Hence, God wants us to mourn over such a situation.
- 艷舞frenzied dancing
- 哀慟的人有福了,因為他們必得安慰.Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted.
- 矯頑力coercive force
- 慟grief
- 爭艷contend in beauty
- 頑性潰瘍an indolent ulcer
- 獵艷cruise
- 慟哭yowl
- 頑劣stubborn and stupid; stubborn and obstreperous
- 哀兵必勝an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win
- 俗艷frippery
- 哀莫大於心死there is no grief greater than the death of the mind